TACTICIAN - traducción al árabe
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TACTICIAN - traducción al árabe

Tactical combat; Tactical Combat; War Tactics; Tactical level; Military tactic; Military Tactics; Battle Tactics; Tactial level; Tactical warfare; Battlefield tactics; Tactical target; Battle tactics; Miltac; Tactics (military); Tactical level of war; Military tactician; War production; Military production
  • German]] [[World War I]] [[observation post]] disguised as a tree.



بارِعٌ في التَّكْتِيكِ الحَرْبِيّ

اسْم : البارع في التكتيك الحربيّ
خبير فى التكتيكات الحربية جـ خبراء مناور ماهر


If you say that someone is a good tactician, you mean that they are skilful at choosing the best methods in order to achieve what they want.
He is an extremely astute political tactician...
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Military tactics

Military tactics encompasses the art of organizing and employing fighting forces on or near the battlefield. They involve the application of four battlefield functions which are closely related – kinetic or firepower, mobility, protection or security, and shock action. Tactics are a separate function from command and control and logistics. In contemporary military science, tactics are the lowest of three levels of warfighting, the higher levels being the strategic and operational levels. Throughout history, there has been a shifting balance between the four tactical functions, generally based on the application of military technology, which has led to one or more of the tactical functions being dominant for a period of time, usually accompanied by the dominance of an associated fighting arm deployed on the battlefield, such as infantry, artillery, cavalry or tanks.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para TACTICIAN
1. Here I just say he's a major tactician.
The Landmark Julius Caesar _ Robert Strassler & Kurt Raaflaub _ Talks at Google
2. and I was gonna be the strategist and tactician of putting the nuts and bolts on this campaign
Thompson _ Matthew Moseley _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de TACTICIAN
1. But Lin was also a brilliant battlefield tactician.
2. He won a reputation as a brave and clever tactician.
3. Tactician His ability to juggle many different groups for so long in a country as complex as Yemen shows what a master tactician he is.
4. Rather than being a clever tactician, he is perceived as a political eccentric.
5. Brzezinski‘s criticism of the elder Bush is that he was a master tactician with no strategy.